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I would have liked to be an artist…ok, but how do I go about it??

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Montreal is a city of art and culture, burgeoning with all the creative spirits which inhabit it. Among the arts faculties and departments of the Cegeps and universities and the multitude of cultural activities on every horizon, many young Montrealers also wish to participate in this effervescence and become professional artists. They have something to say!


But here we are: even though you have studied for several years to develop your trade or artistic practice and you are full of wonderful ideas, once launched in the real world, it is not so easy to carve out your space. Competition is strong and you run up against a ton of existential questions: where to begin in order to reach my objectives? How to convince people to support my ideas? And in fact, how to put a price on my creations, on my ideas? These are not easy questions and can cause a great deal of anxiety. Added to which, the current pandemic has complicated everything and creates many uncertainties for your professional future in the artistic and cultural environment. Even your day job is threatened! You may be questioning many things and feel as though you are up against a wall. It can become quite depressing…


This is where the Carrefour jeunesse-emploi comes into play, by offering you unique expertise to support and help you develop your career and your projects in the artistic sector whether you are an entrepreneur, creator, interpreter or cultural worker. Since the Carrefour opened 20 years ago, we have seen thousands of young people like you. With time, we have developed an approach that you will find nowhere else. Our project manager – arts and culture, can help you organize your ideas and plan the next stages in attaining your objectives, whether it be in terms of seeking funds, a job or an artistic entrepreneurial endeavor. It will ensure that you find your “ideal practice scenario”, a balance between the time you need for your artistic practice and the necessity of having sufficient income to meet your needs. The idea is to ensure that earning your living does not stifle your creativity.


Does this ring a bell for you? Contact us. We will be pleased to accompany you. A helping hand is just a phone call away!

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