Find your dream job: a guide to getting there!
Finding a job that matches not only your skills, but also your personality and aspirations, can seem like a daunting challenge. However, with the right approach and the right tools, it’s entirely possible to land a job that’s truly you. In this article, we’ll explore different steps to help you find a job that suits […]
Impostor syndrome: how to avoid it
Are you secretly afraid of not being good enough in your current job? Do you sometimes not dare to ask for help in fear of disappointing? Do you sometimes feel that your co-workers are much more competent than you? If you answered “yes” to these answers, it may be because impostor syndrome is more […]
I would have liked to be an artist…ok, but how do I go about it??
Montreal is a city of art and culture, burgeoning with all the creative spirits which inhabit it. Among the arts faculties and departments of the Cegeps and universities and the multitude of cultural activities on every horizon, many young Montrealers also wish to participate in this effervescence and become professional artists. They have something to […]